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The prodpad packages exposes higher level APIs to extract tibbles with ProdPad information (for example, products, feedback, ideas, etc.) from the ProdPad API.

In addition, prodpad provides a low level wrapper around the ProdPad API - the pp() function.


You can install the development version of prodpad from GitHub with:

# install.packages("remotes")

Authenticating against the API

To get started, you need a ProdPad API key. This can be found by going to: Profile => API Keys. (Or use prodpad::browse_api_key() to navigate there interactively)

Then export that API key as an environment variable, e.g. in .Renviron:



This is a basic example which shows you how to solve a common problem:


Cole Arendt also wrote a prodpad package, using R6 classes to represent the connection to Prodpad. However, this implementation was inspired by the gh package by Gábor Csárdi. I found the ideas of gh to be more flexible and ported gh in its entirety to the pp() function in prodpad.


The ProdPad name and logo are trademarks of ProdPad (CreateSHIFT Ltd.). The author of this package has no affiliation with ProdPad.